Exit Devices / Panic Bars

  • Yale-6170xAU628F-630

    Accentra (Formerly Yale) - 6170 x AU628F Surface Vertical Exit Device with Passage Lever Trim

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $861.26
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • Yale-6160ED

    Accentra (Formerly Yale) - 6160(F) Concealed Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Starting at: $659.42
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • Yale-6160F-LBR

    Accentra (Formerly Yale) - 6160F LBR Fire-Rated Concealed Vertical Rod Exit Device (Less Bottom Rod)

    Starting at: $751.84
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • 6210-630

    Accentra (Formerly Yale) - 6210ED Narrow Stile Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $707.83
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • 6220-630

    Accentra (Formerly Yale) - 6220ED Narrow Stile Concealed Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $721.03
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • Yale_7110_630

    Accentra (Formerly Yale) - 7110/7110F Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $1,386.64
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • Yale_7170F_630

    Accentra (Formerly Yale) - 7170F LBR Fire-Rated Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device (Less Bottom Rod)

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $1,541.78
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • design-hardware-1000V-us32d

    Design Hardware - 1000V/F1000V Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $503.00
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • Design-Hardware-1000V-LE

    Design Hardware - 1000V x LE-08 Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device with Heavy-Duty Escutcheon Entry Lever

    Starting at: $644.81
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • Design-Hardware-1000V-LEA

    Design Hardware - 1000V x LE-08A Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device with Heavy-Duty Escutcheon Passage Lever

    Starting at: $644.81
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • Cal-Royal - A2210V/A2260V Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $249.61
    Usage: Medium Duty
  • cal-royal-7760v-surface-vertical-rod-exit-device

    Cal-Royal - A7760V/AF7760V Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $524.49
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • CAL-ROYAL-A9860V

    Cal-Royal - A9860V/AF9860V Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $370.63
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • cal-royal-t5000v

    Cal-Royal - T5000V Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $253.22
    Usage: Light Duty
  • dorma-9400-vertical-rod-exit-device

    Dormakaba - 9400/F9400 Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Multiple Finishes
    Starting at: $1,130.40
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • dorma-lb9400-less-bottom-rod-exit-device

    Dormakaba - LB9400/LBF9400 Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device, Less Bottom Rod

    Starting at: $1,278.00
    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • dorma-9800-narrow-stile-exit-device

    Dormakaba - 9800 BB Narrow Stile Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Usage: Heavy Duty
  • dorma-8400-exit-device

    Dormakaba - 8400/F8400 Surface Vertical Rod Exit Device

    Starting at: $539.10
    Usage: Medium Duty