Falcon AX-25-R-EO Accessible Panic Rim Exit Device

Usually Ships: 20-30 Business Days
  • Heavy Duty – ANSI Grade-1 – Made in USA
  • ANSI Function 01, Exit Only (trim sold separately)
  • Requires only 5 pounds of force to operate

Available Options:

The exit device that requires only 5 pounds of force to operate

The AX was born out of a need to provide the market with a solution that meets the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (Chapters 404.2.7 and 309.4), which state that the force required to activate operable parts shall be 5 pounds maximum. The 2013 California Building Code (Chapter 11B- 309.4) adopted virtually identical requirements that went into effect January 1st, 2013.

No exposed screws or rivets on the back of the device for a streamlined design and clean lines – when installed on full glass doors. The Falcon AX-25-R Series rim device meets the demanding requirements of high traffic installations with a single-point, rim type latch, and a streamlined touch bar design.

  • EO = Exit Only, ANSI Function 01 (25 Series Outside Trim sold separately)
  • For use with single doors and double doors with a mullion
  • Stock Sizes: 3′ and 4′ – Cut to size in the field
  • Deadlocking latchbolt standard
  • Meets 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (Chapters 404.2.7 and 309.4)
  • UL Certified 2013 California Building Code (Chapter 11B-309.4)



313AN Anodized Dark Bronze, US26D (626) Satin Chrome, US28 (628) Anodized Aluminum

ANSI Grade

Certified ANSI A156.3-2001 Grade 1 standards


Heavy Duty

Fire Rating





299 roller strike standard


Stainless steel, 3/4" throw – Deadlocking

Stile Type

Wide (Standard)

Minimum Stile Width

4" w/ Standard Roller Strike

Dogging Feature

Half turn hex dogging standard


2-3/4" maximum, 2" dogged


All mounting screws are concealed, sheet metal screws and machine screws standard

Center Case & Working Parts

Center case is heavy wrought and sintered metal parts

Door Applications

1-3/4″ Thick Metal or Wood Doors

Buy American Act Compliance

Meets Buy Amercian Act – Made in USA


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Falcon AX-25-R-EO Accessible Panic Rim Exit Device